Gas fee

The gas fee on Goshen comprise of:

  1. Transaction execution: same as the L1 gas fee which covers computation and storage consumed when executing smart contracts. The EVM opcode gas costs are the same as on Ethereum (Istanbul hard fork).

  2. Data publishing: Transactions are collected by the Sequencer and published to L1 in batches. The fee generated in this process must be paid by users who initiate the transactions.

We aim to lower the transaction execution fee a 100 times compared to what it is on Ethereum. The Sequencer only accept transactions with gas prices more than 1/100 of Ethereum gas price.

On Ethereum, the "intrinsic gas" already includes the transaction data fee. Hence on Goshen, data fee is charged 100 times as much to cover the cost for data publishing on Ethereum. Therefore, the gas fee mechanism remains the same as that of Ethereum, only with some tuned parameters that adjust the weight of different factors. The web3 APIs are still compatible with Ethereum, you can call eth_estimateGas and eth_gasPrice to estimate the gas consumption and price for a transaction.

With other words; execution fee is 100 times lower than Ethereum, but data fee remains the same.

Enqueue transaction fee

Transactions sent directly from Ethereum to L2 do not need the Sequencer to publish original data, so there's no data publishing fee for this. Currently the default gas price is 1 Gwei.

Last updated